2020 Super Brain Summit
Date and Time
Friday Mar 27, 2020
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM CDT
8:30AM - 5:00PM
816 N Tobias Ln.
Peoria, IL 61625
$250 (discounted rates may apply)
Contact Information
Dr. Lori Russell-Chapin @ lar@fsmail.bradley.edu
or call
(309) 677-3186
Send Email
The Super Brain Summit is a one-day conference showcasing experts in the field of neurocounseling. All proceeds go to a fund for future brain research. The theme for the 5th annual Super Brain Summit is “Mindfulness and Meditation,” and features New York Times best selling author Dr. Dan Siegel. Dr. Siegel is a clinical professor of psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine and the founding co-director of the Mindful Awareness Research Center at UCLA. He is also the Executive Director of the Mindsight Institute, which focuses on the development of mindsight through teaching insight, empathy and integration in individuals, families and communities. Participate in three different ways: In-person, Live Streaming, or Recorded sessions.