Oil Painting
Date and Time
Monday Sep 14, 2020
5:30 PM - 8:00 PM CDT
Monday evenings 5:30-8:00 pm
September 14- October 8, 2020
Peoria Art Guild
203 Harrison Street
Peoria, IL 61602
Contact Information
Nikki Wheeler
Education Coordinator
(309) 637-2787
Send Email
Oil Painting Instructor: Jack Crouch Category: Drawing, Painting, and Mixed Media Participants will learn how to prep an oil painting surface, exercise proper brush-handling and maintenance, use oil painting materials in a safe and proper archival manner, and develop three oil paintings utilizing different methodologies of constructing a painting. All painting will be done from observation, providing the opportunity for participants to hone their ability to see the world. Skills learned in this workshop will provide a foundation for participants to continue to develop work utilizing the techniques and procedures in their own studios and homes in a safe and professional manner. No experience needed. Ages 18+ Cost: $175 Students Provide: Plastic Squeeze Bottle #04916-1006, Princeton Real Value Brush Set (White Talon, Long Handle #06223-9155, Set of 5), Palette Knife #03115-1003 Class meets every Monday from September 14- October 19, 2020 at 5:30-8:00 pm We are committed to the health and safety of students, instructors and patrons, Our organization will be following recommended guidelines for Phase 4 of reopening: Anyone exhibiting symptoms will not be permitted in the building. Class sizes will be limited and workstations set up to allow 6 ft social distance between students and instructors. Masks are required for everyone. Each classroom will contain hand sanitizer and sanitizing stations. Current Peoria Art Guild Members get a $5 discount