YMCA Documentary and Soup & Bread Luncheon: Poverty Inc.
Date and Time
Friday Nov 20, 2020
11:30 AM - 2:00 PM CST
Friday, November 20th 11:30am - 2:00pm
East Bluff Community Center 512 Kansas Street Peoria, IL 61603
Contact Information
Grayson Bourke
Community Engagement Coordinator
Work: (309) - 839 - 0781
Cell: (715) - 281 - 3008
Send Email
The Greater Peoria YMCA and the East Bluff Community Center are collaborating to showcase the documentary Poverty Inc, provide a free soup and bread luncheon to participants, and have a short discussion of topics in the documentary. If interested in attending, please call the East Bluff Community Center at 309-839-0781 or email Community Engagement Coordinator Grayson Bourke at gtbourk@ilstu.edu to RSVP. Please park in our parking lot or on Kansas Street and enter our main entrance on Kansas Street.