YPGP April Virtual Social
Date and Time
Thursday Apr 2, 2020
5:00 PM - 5:30 PM CDT
April 2: 5-5:30pm
Virtual Via Zoom: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/307220528?pwd=TlU1SlJPTTVaRStRc2tZK245MHJpUT09 to join on 4/2 @ 5pm!
Contact Information
Audrey Kamm
Send Email
Join us for a 30-minute VIRTUAL YP Social via ZOOM. We may not be able to meet in-person, but we can still stay connected. Grab your favorite drink & Vote for our 2020 Monster Bash Non-Profit Organization: Best Buddies (https://www.bestbuddies.org/illinois/), Big Brothers Big Sisters (http://www.hoibbbs.org/), Peoria Humane Society (https://peoriahs.org/) & Front Nine Foundation (https://www.frontninefoundation.com/) are the 4 we have narrowed it down to. See you Soon! - Follow this link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/307220528?pwd=TlU1SlJPTTVaRStRc2tZK245MHJpUT09 to join on 4/2 @ 5pm!