Member Seminar/Webinar Form Please read the following guidelines before continuing: Complete the form below with your requested presentation information at least 1 month prior to the presentation date. Presenter to provide description and logo for marketing materials at least 1 month prior. Presenter may provide materials to attendees at the seminar (brochures, presentation materials, business cards, etc.) or digital materials for webinars. If the presentation must be canceled please do so at least 2 weeks prior. First Name * Last Name * Company * Email * Phone Number Member Seminar/Webinar Topic * Please let us know what topic(s) you or your organization would like to present. A Full description of the presentation is required at least (1) month prior to presentation for marketing purposes. How will this Topic benefit other Chamber Members and their Organizations? * Name(s) of Presentation & Presentation Speakers This field is not required, but helpful for marketing purposes. How much time do you need to present this topic? * Recommended Length of Presentation is 45-60 minutes + 15 minutes for Q&A Date and Time Format: MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM Please select the Date & Time you would like to present your topic. Please select a date at least 1 month from the date of submission. Leave blank if you have no preference. Check all that apply Your Organization is a Chamber Member Your Topic is relevant to other Chamber Members Your Topic is Educational & not a Sales Pitch Your Organization has space to host an in-person Seminar You need assistance securing space for the Seminar You would prefer presenting your topic as a Webinar Presentation Materials will be shared 1 month in advance Your organization will provide refreshments for attendees (ie: coffee, juice, water, snacks) Your Organization will provide lunch/meal for attendees Upload Seminar/Webinar Materials If you have materials you would like to share regarding the topic(s) you would like to present please upload. Logo Upload Please share your organization's logo. If you have reviewed & agree to the conditions and are able to provide all necessary details, Please enter your full name. * Full Name Please contact Membership Engagement & Events Coordinator, Shenneca Williams at with any questions. We will reach out to you as soon as possible for any follow up questions and to schedule. Thank you!