Sunday Dec 3, 2023
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM CST
12/03/2023 at 3pm
Salem Lutheran Church
Meghan Peterson
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Lessons & Carols at Salem Lutheran Church Immerse Yourself in Hope • Peace • Joy • Love Join us at Salem Lutheran Church to celebrate the beginning of the Advent season by sharing song and scripture with Lessons & Carols on December 3 at 3pm at Salem Lutheran Church. This will be a highly collaborative event, with many Salem members and other community members sharing their musical talents. This event is the perfect way to get into the Christmas spirit. This event also includes a partnership with The Center for Prevention of Abuse to support their “Adopt Our Families” program. This program provides essential items for families that receive services. The Center for Prevention of Abuse is a local 501(c)3 NonProfit Organization that has been serving Central Illinois since 1975. New items being collected are items that keep people warm: throw blankets, robes, pjs, socks, mittens/ gloves, winter hats. Monetary donations will also be accepted. Please make checks payable to the Center for Prevention of Abuse. The format for the Lessons and Carols service is simple: nine scripture readings following the fall of humanity, the promise of The Messiah, and the birth of Christ. Interspersed with traditional Christmas hymns, and musical offerings from Salem choirs, ensembles, as well as others within the Peoria community. This is a free event, and a short reception with light refreshments is to follow the service. Come enjoy this immersive Advent event on Sunday, December 3 at 3pm! ABOUT SALEM LUTHERAN CHURCH Salem is a vibrant welcoming Lutheran community that, through the grace of Jesus Christ, is connected within by love and reaching out in hope to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with one another, the community and the world.
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201 SW Adams St, Peoria, IL 61602 – 309-495-5900 –